Distinctiveness of the Institution

Our college has joint research culture and interdisciplinary research approach in which our Faculty Members and students undertake the joint research drive in the college.We have identified the prioritized research areas which we are pursuing over the years in our institute by publishing the research articles of the teachers and students in the journals, ‘MSK Research Teacher’ and ‘MSK Research Student’ respectively.Our college has identified the subject wise thrust areas such as Comparative Study , Interdisciplinary Study, Rural Literature, Linguistics and English Literature, Public Finance, Agriculture Economics, Cooperation, Industrial Economics, International Trade , Political Thoughts, Social History of Maharashtra , Human Development, Environmental Awareness , Gender Equity,Globalization, Global Warming, Black Money and Black Economy,Challenges of Running Industries and Business and so on.All our teachers encourage and promote our students to undertake research work, reading reference books, and articles and collect research information and sorting it properly to prepare research papers. They are also guided about the research methodology stating the problem,setting Aims and Objectives, collecting data and it’s analyze and its outcomes and applications in their practical lives.

Our students are asked to select your topics for research articles and they are guided how to collect dada and analyze it.They are also allowed to make group research in which 2 or 3 students get together , they discuss on the topic and prepare rough articles to publish. Our faculty members collect all these research papers to edit and publish in our College Journal.We have also constituted Research Committee to monitor and address the issues of research in which 2 students representatives are nominated in committee.These Student Representatives take initiatives to publish the student’s article in College Journal and College Annual Magazine ‘Mukut’ every year.

Our college has made the provision of 5%Research Budget in the total budget of the college to promote the research culture among the students and teachers. Our college provides financial assistance to the students and teachers to publish their article in the journal.Teachers are also provided seed money of Rs 5000/-for Minor Research Projects.They are also provided  funds for research in the form of Travel and Registration Fees to attend and present the research papers in State, National and International seminars, conference and workshops.

Thus our college has remarkable capacity to adapt the changes and at the same time to pursue the goals and objectives that we have set forth for ourselves. Our institute plays a significant role in human resource development and capacity building of our students through the joint research culture.We cater the needs of all students and society and prepare all students to achieve a core competency to face the global challenges successfully that is the vision of our institute.

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